The One-Eyed Deer

One day a Deer was grazing in the jungle. A hunter saw the deer and tried to shoot her but luckily the deer escaped. However the arrow hit the deer's right eye and she was unable to see through her right eye forever. So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land. By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land, and often escaped by this means. Her injured eye always pointed towards the sea, from whence she entertained no anticipation of danger. 

Some boatmen sailing by saw her and found out that she was blind of one eye, and hiring a boat rowed under the cliff where she used to feed and shot her from the sea. Yielding up her last breath, she gasped forth this lament: "O wretched creature that I am! to take such precaution against the land, and after all to find this seashore, to which I had come for safety, so much more perilous."

Moral Of The Story: You cannot escape your fate.

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