The Cat And The Crow

Once upon a time, in a small jungle near the outskirts of the town there lived a Cat and a Crow. The Cat and the Crow were very good friends and lived on the same tree.  One day as they were together under a tree, they saw a leopard coming towards them. They could not know that he was coming towards them until it was very near to them. So the crow at once flew at the tree top, but the cat confounded and said to the crow "Can't you save me as my all hopes are in you?" The crow replied "In fact friends and brothers should think about something when there is some danger near to them."

Now there were some shepherds with their dogs, so the crow flew towards them and dug some earth in front of them with his wings cawing and crying out. Then he went up to one dog and flapped his wings in his face and flew up a little way towards the leopard. The dogs followed him thinking to catch him Presently, one of the shepherd raised his head and saw the bird flying near the ground and flying alternately, so he followed him and the crow brought them to the place where the leopard was. And when the dogs saw it they rushed upon it and the crow himself turned and fled away from there. Now the leopard had to leave the cat who was saved by his friend crow."

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