The Cow-faced Girl

Long ago there lived a farmer who had twelve daughters. The farmer worked very hard all day so that he could support his family but however he was not very successful as it was getting quite difficult for him to feed his wife and children. One fine day the farmer went to the forest to get some wood. On his way to the forest he came across a cave. The farmer went inside the cave which was so dark and gloomy. Suddenly a huge snake appeared before the farmer. The farmer was afraid to see the snake and was about to run when the snake said "Don't be afraid my dear friend as I am not going to hurt you, rather I came here to help you, So please tell me what your problem is?". The farmer replied "I am poor farmer and I have twelve young daughters to take care of. I am unable to take care of them properly because of my poverty". The snake replied "Don't worry my friend, Go and bring your youngest daughter tomorrow. I will take care of your daughter as if she was my own child and bring her up". 

The farmer felt very unhappy after hearing these words from the snake as he felt sure that the snake will harm his daughter and eat her up. At the same time the farmer said to himself "If I refuse to bring my daughter tomorrow the snake will kill me for sure, What am I to do!". The snake said "Make up your mind and bring your daughter tomorrow and if you don't do so then you will face the consequences". With a heavy heart the farmer headed towards his home. When he reached home his wife asked "Dear husband you look so dull, is everything OK". The farmer sat down and narrated the whole story to his wife. He then said "My head is going round like a mill-wheel for I am unable to decide as to what I should do. You know how much I love my youngest daughter Betty and if i don't take her to the snake tomorrow the snake will definitely kill us all. Hearing this the farmer's wife said "Don't worry my dear, God will definitely help us and show us the path. Please do as the snake has said as we are left with no other option".

The next day morning the farmer took his daughter and led her to the cave. The snake was waiting for the farmer and when she saw the farmer and his beautiful daughter she felt very happy. The snake gave a bagful of gold coins to the farmer and said "Take this and go home and take care of your family. Your youngest daughter Betty will stay with me and I will take care of her as her own mother". The farmer went home taking the gold coins. Within a short time everyone in the village came to know that the farmer has become quite rich and so many suitors came forward to marry the farmer's daughters and so in a short time the farmer married them all. Meanwhile Betty grew up like a princesses as the snake took good care of Betty. The snake gave her delicious food, beautiful clothes and a thousand servants were there to wait on her.

One day the king of the country came to the forest for hunting and stayed there till evening. Seeing a light shining in the cave the king ordered his soldiers to go in the direction and check if he could get a night's lodging there. The soldiers approached the cave and knocked the door. The snake suddenly changed herself into a beautiful lady and opened the door and when she heard of the king's request she sent a message that she would be delighted to see him. The king on hearing the invitation went to the cave along with his soldiers. The king was surprised when he went inside the cave as it was no less than a palace. The snake received the king and Betty came and offered wine to the king. The king was so mesmerized by Betty's beauty that he could not take his eyes off her. After dinner the king went to sleep. The next day the king asked Betty's hand in marriage and so the snake mother agreed. Betty was overjoyed to hear this and they got married. Then Betty got ready to go along with the king as she was his wife now. The snake mother was surprised to find that Betty didn't even take the opportunity to thank her and instead was in a hurry to go along with the king. The snake became very angry and she thought of punishing Betty so she turned Betty's face into a Cow's head.

When the King arrived at Betty's room to take her along with him he was surprised to see that his beloved wife Betty has now turned into a cow-faced girl. He cursed himself for taking such a foolish decision of marrying Betty. He was left with no other option than to take Betty along with him as she was his wife now. With a heavy heart the king left for his kingdom along with Betty. When they reached his country the king ordered his servants to provide Betty a chamber in his palace, with a waiting maid. The king gave the waiting maid and Betty ten bundles of flax to spin and ordered that the task should be completed by the end of the week. The maid and Betty stayed together in the chamber from the day on-wards. The maid obedient to the king's commands set at once to work. She combed out the flax, wound it round the spindle and sat spinning at her wheel so carefully that before the end of the week she completed the task given by the king. On the other hand Betty threw the flax from the window and said "What is the king thinking of himself, that I am his servant and will work for him. I am his wife and not his slave. He has no right to treat me like this".

When Saturday came Betty saw that the waiting maid had completed her task and so she thought that the king will punish her for not obeying his command. So she hurried off to her snake mother and begged her sorry for her mistake and thanked her for everything she gave. The snake mother was pleased to hear this from Betty. She asked Betty the purpose of visiting her and Betty narrated the whole story to her. The snake mother felt pity on Betty and she gave her a sack full of spun flax and advised her to show it to the king. Betty took the sack of flax and without offering her thanks to the snake mother returned to the palace. The snake mother once again got angry over Betty.

That night when the king saw that Betty and the waiting maid have completed the given task he gave them each a little cat and ordered them to look after the pet and train them carefully. The waiting maid bought her cat with great care and treated it almost as if it was her daughter. Betty on the other hand cursed the king and threw the cat from the window in anger. The cat fell on the ground and died. After few months the king sent a message that he wants to see how the cats were getting on. Betty hearing this hurried towards her mother's home for help. When she reached her mother's cave she found and old man sitting there at the door. The old man asked Betty "Who are you and what do you want". Betty became very angry on hearing this and shouted at the old man "How dare you ask me that ! Don't you know who I am?". The old man then shouted at her "I am your peasant father Betty, and you must remember that you are a peasant's daughter. The snake was so kind and good to you and treated you as her own child; and what did you do in return. You were ungrateful and never thanked her for what she had done for you. Therefore you have been punished with a Cow's-head. Throw yourself at the fairy's feet and ask her forgiveness and perhaps, she may take pity on you and forgive you".

Betty realized her mistake and she felt sorry for her conduct. She took her father's advice and went to the snake and asked for forgiveness. The snake was happy to see that Betty had changed and so she gave her back her former face. She blessed Betty and arranged a carriage for her to return to her kingdom. When the king saw Betty he fell in love with her once more and repented for causing her so much suffering.

Betty lived happily ever afterwards, for she loved her husband, honoured the fairy and was grateful to her old father for making her realize her mistake.

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