Tom and Jim

Long ago in a small village in Russia there lived two brothers named Tom and Jim. Besides being brothers they were good friends and loved and cared for each other. All the villager's used to admire the two brothers for their sense of affection towards each other. One summer morning they went to the nearby bushes to pick some berries. Tom was quite tall and so was able to pick the berries easily and handed over the berries to Jim. Tom advised Jim to keep the berries in the basket so that they can take that home and give it to their mother to prepare a pie for the dinner.Tom was busy picking the berries and Jim was busy eating the berries ignoring his brother's orders. 

When Tom finished picking he asked Jim to show him the basket and when Tom saw the empty basket  he became very angry on Jim like never before. He shouted at Jim " How dare you eat all the berries when I ordered you not to". Jim instead of saying sorry started laughing at Tom which made Tom even angry. Tom then went to fetch a stick to beat his brother. He found the stick and went to pick it up when the stick said "You will not get me until you get an axe to cut me". Tom went in search of an axe and went to pick it up when the axe said "You will not get me until you get a flag to edge me". Tom came to the Flag and went to pick it up when the flag said "You will not get me until you get water to wet me". He came to the Water and the water said "You will not get me until you get a deer who will swim me". He came to the Deer and the deer said "You will not get me until you get a hound to hunt me". He came to the Hound and the hound said "You will not get me until you put to some butter in my claw". He came to the Butter and the butter said "You will not get me until you get a cat to scrape me". Tom went to the Cat and the cat said "You will not get me until you get some milk for me from the cow". Tom went to the Cow and when he approached near the cow to get some milk the white cow turned into a beautiful Angel. Tom was surprised to see the angel and when the angel asked him the reason as to why he needed some milk Tom narrated her the whole story. 

After hearing the whole story the angel advised Tom not to get angry and forgive his younger brother Jim. She then gave a box full of berries and beautiful gifts to Tom. Tom after getting the gifts became very happy and bid farewell to the angel. He ran to find Jim who was still sitting there in the bushes waiting for Tom to come back. Tom hugged Jim and showed him the gifts and narrated the whole story. Both the brother's promised that they will never get angry on each other and went home happily. Since then Tom and Jim happily lived together forever.  Even now when anyone visits the village the villager's tell them the story of Tom and Jim.

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