Margaret And The Twelve Witches

Long ago there lived a rich lady in Florida named Margaret. One winter night she was unable to sleep so she started knitting to engage herself while all the family members and servants were asleep. After knitting for a while Margaret wanted to go back to sleep when suddenly she heard a knock at the door and someone cried "Open the Door". Margaret was surprised as it was too late for any guest to visit. "Who is there outside?" asked Margaret. A voice came from outside " I am the Witch of one eye." Margaret unable to hear the reply assumed that one of her neighbours would have come for some help so she opened the door.

A witch woman with strange appearance entered inside. She had only one eye and she carried a pair of wool carders in her hand. The witch sat down by the fire and started knitting. Suddenly she paused, and started shouting "Where are my friends? They haven't arrived yet! Suddenly Margaret heard someone knocking the door again as before, "Open the Door". Margaret felt obliged to rise and open the door and a second witch came inside and she had two eyes. She carried a wheel for spinning the wool. She went and sat down by the fire and started spinning. And so the knocks went on and the witches came in one by one until at last the twelve witches sat round by the fire, the first witch with one eye and the last witch with twelve eyes. They started knitting and spinning and were singing together a folk song but no word did they speak with Margaret. Strange to hear and frightful to look upon were the twelve witches with their red eyes and wheels. Margaret was unable to move and speak for the spell of the witches was upon her.

Suddenly one of the witch came to her and said "We are feeling hungry go and make something for us to eat." Margaret went to the kitchen to prepare some food and she noticed that there was no water in the kitchen to prepare any food for the servants have emptied the pots to fill fresh water the next day. She took a pot and went to the well and when she filled the pot with water she noticed that the pot had a hole and so it was unable to hold the water. Margaret started crying for she feared that if she won't prepare the food the witch may kill her. Then a voice came by her and said, "Take some clay and moss and bind them together and plaster the pot so that it will hold the water. Margaret did as she was instructed and the pot was repaired. She filled the pot with water and was about to leave when  the voice came by her and said "Go home and you reach the south angle of your house, cry aloud three times and say, 'The house of the witch women is on fire". Margaret went back home and did as she was told to.

When the twelve witches heard Margaret's cry they rushed outside as it was their house that was on fire. After the witches left an Angel appeared and she sprinkled some holy water outside the door so that the witch women can never enter the house again. The angel took the clothes which the witches had woven and she put those clothes on fire and sealed the door with a crossbeam and waited for the witches to come back for she was sure that the witches will return. After some time Margaret and the Angel heard the knocks outside the door. "Open the Door" they screamed. The door shouted I cannot for the beam is fixed with a cross and I have no power to remove it. The witches rushed through the air crying and cursing the Angel who ruined their plot of killing Margaret and other members of the family. Margaret and her family were left in peace and Margaret thanked the holy Angel who saved her life.

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